What is the room you use most in your house? Bedroom? Washroom? Living room? Well, the answer is the kitchen. It is an important place where we do all our cooking, and the magic happens. You already know how important it is to keep a kitchen cleaning checklist. Regularly we all clean our kitchen before and after any meal. Suppose you skipped cleaning your stove for a day. You can not imagine how many insects & germs might attack it. Sometimes you can forget what you should clean or not. Keeping a kitchen cleaning checklist is always helpful.
What is a Kitchen Cleaning Checklist?
According to date, a kitchen cleaning checklist is a memo or a note where you keep track of your kitchen cleaning necessities. This list helps you to keep your kitchen clean forever and never lets you miss anything. You just need to make a customized kitchen cleaning checklist of yours. A clean kitchen is a clean house as the kitchen is the heart of the home. Also, amidst this pandemic, you don’t want your primary energy source, aka food, to be prepared in a dirty kitchen or using germed utensils. To make this easy for you, we pour some details about the kitchen cleaning checklist below.
How should I start?
Start with considering your kitchen size, usage, utensils use, and other equipment use. Take a pen and paper or mobile notes. Then write down every cleaning reminder according to a daily/weekly/monthly basis, and you are done. Now you need to implement your kitchen cleaning checklist. Set aside everything that has a place inside the room and doesn’t appear to be in their right spot. At that point, advance to social affairs that don’t have a place inside the room. Spot these things into a bushel to be placed away later, or on the off chance that you have an aide, enroll their encouragement with this.
Don’t close down on the space to require these lost things to their homes. Follow the kitchen cleaning checklist. Put the entirety of the dirty dishes inside the dishwasher. Running a sink of hot, cleaner water at that point brings in things that require dousing only like the microwave turntable, the dish drainer, or monster container and bowls. Use a universally handy cleaner and splash surfaces liberally. Let the cleaner accomplish its work through your progress. Well, not entirely. Throw something that is ended and toss the grimy food holders inside the sink gagged with cleaner water.
Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
Working from high to base, wipe down the racks with a cloth showered with a general cleaner. A lot will be done on your kitchen cleaning checklist. Knocking earth and trash onto the ground is good because you’re meaning to be clearing everything up later. Utilize a long duster and work your methods around the whole border of the space. Clean the corners, the daylight apparatuses, and the super of the organizers. Remember the most elevated of the white products. When you’ve worked your methods back to any place you began, you’re ready to advance. Set a wet wipe inside the microwave and “cook” for two minutes.
Since the cleaner has had a chance to figure, wipe down the flat surfaces. Once more, just let mud, scraps, and so on tumble to the ground because you’ll get the image later. Include a touch of sodium bicarbonate for difficult stains. Use another cloth unsuitable inside the warmth cleaner water to wipe down the front of the white merchandise, dishwasher, and kitchen machine. Give shut consideration to handles and outside edges. Once once more, a cloth ill-suited in heat, cleaner water can do the duty. Place the things that are dowsing inside the sink into the dishwasher or wash by hand. Channel the sink and rinse with the issue. This will give you a head start.
Items to Clean Each Cooking Shift
The dos of every shift cleaning are:
- Clean the slicer, fruits, meats every time you cook. But do not forget to use the accurate method of washing specific food items or you’ll lose nutrition out of those foods.
- If you use an apron, which you should, always wash it after every shift.
- Wash the frying utensils & pan.
- Wash the griller thoroughly.
- Mop the kitchen floor using antibacterial products every time.
- To sanitize and wash all cabinets, cutting boards & prep tables.
- Clean your stoves every time you cook. ( Do not use alcohol-based products as it can lead to catching fire).
Daily Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
For starting with a daily kitchen cleaning checklist, make a propensity for cleaning your kitchen every day for a few reasons. The kitchen is commonly the core of the home and where individuals gather. Since it is a high-traffic territory, it will get filthy all the more rapidly. Second, the kitchen is likewise where truly muddled stuff happens day by day, for example, cooking and eating.
Since spills and scraps are simpler to tidy up when new, it spares you an opportunity to clean the kitchen day by day instead of attempting to battle with dried on gunk later. Third, as a food planning territory, the kitchen should be kept clean from a well-being viewpoint.
Germs, organisms, and different nasties love the kitchen, and without an appropriate kitchen cleaning checklist, food-borne diseases and other horrendous things can influence your family. Fourth, lastly, you should clean your kitchen every day so you can appreciate it. I realize I am considerably more prone to need to go out to eat when my kitchen is a wreck since I would need to tidy up before I could even begin cooking.
Also, on the off chance that you and your family will be in there a ton, in any case, it should be spotless so you can unwind and are not apprehensive you will place your elbow in some kind of spill or stall out to the base of your feet.
Daily Kitchen Cleaning

- Clean pots and dishes
First and foremost, your kitchen cleaning checklist should start with hot forty water and then use your time while you’re on a little break from cooking. This also works for stewing and heating; make sure to clean fast as you can. You should clean up the extra pot that you couldn’t wash before preparing the meal.
- After meal kitchen cleaning checklist
Store the extra foods on individual storage boxes; if you hand wash them, then wash them accordingly or dishwasher as you want. Dry the pots and utensils before keeping them in their places. Don’t forget to put cleaning your kitchen counters on your kitchen cleaning checklist.
- Dishwasher
It’s good to make your kids work in the kitchen, and cleaning up the dishwasher seems a perfect job for them. Make sure to put the dishes of the dishwasher in their particular places.
- Kitchen trash dos
This is a crucial kitchen cleaning checklist. Every day, empathy the trash, or it will cause a foul smell and spread germs.
- Sweep, sweep & sweep
You have to wipe your kitchen floor every day. Amidst this pandemic, one thing we all have learned is to stay clean & careful. So, make sure to sweep the floor with an anti-bacterial product.
Weekly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
Jumbled cupboards, a dusty cooler top, and a stove that smokes each time you prepare are not the segments of an ideal kitchen. Resuscitate this significant room in your home with a bit by bit instructional exercise on firmly cleaning the kitchen. You will require many cleaning materials and, in any event, an hour and a half of time. Set the mindset for a profitable cleaning meeting. Tune in to music, a book recording, or an unknown dialect tape. The time will pass much more rapidly with a friendly atmosphere. Do not neglect to vacuum the loops of your unplugged cooler.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to clear and mop underneath it and on the off chance that you can discover some assistance to move it. Sort through the cooler and fridge. Toss out any terminated food, generally void holders, and things that you purchased and never utilized. Put the stuff to keep on the counter. Use the dishwasher unfilled. Have a go at adding vinegar or preparing soft drinks to the empty dishwasher before running it. If your dishwasher has a food trap in the base, clear it out. Wash down the outside of the dishwasher. This will give you a good start at the weekly kitchen cleaning checklist.
Weekly Kitchen Cleaning

- Clean the floor under sinks
If you’ve been following the kitchen cleaning checklist, your sink is now unfilled. Something else, wash the dishes or put them in the dishwasher. Using since quite a while ago took care of duster cleaning the roof fan, highest points of your pantries and cooler, recessed lighting, and window trim.
- Clean refrigerator
Open the cooler racks and drawers. Wash them and work on disposing of any residual fridge scents. Wipe down the whole within the cooler and cooler before supplanting shelves and food. On the off chance that you have a new box of heating pop, open it, and leave it in your fridge to keep scents at bay. Apply broiler cleaner to the stove and as it does its enchantment, begin on the cooler. Leave the windows in the kitchen open to dodge the overwhelming smell from the stove cleaner. Do not neglect to vacuum the curls of your unplugged cooler.
- Clean your oven
Release prepared on food by warming some water for a moment. Eliminate the turntable if you have one and wash it. Wipe within the microwave with microfiber material and return the turntable.
Also, clean the kitchen walls, polish the stainless steel frame.
Monthly Kitchen Cleaning Checklist

- Remove and clean drain covers.
Keep cleaning the drain covers of your kitchen on the kitchen cleaning checklist to get dirty or have future problems. Your home’s channels need some regular cleaning, as well! Food particles can get stopped up in your lines—and whenever left unaddressed, this can prompt reversing wastewater, along these lines expecting you to telephone a handyman to cure
- Clean fans
The kitchen fans should be cleaned at least once a month. As they have much dirt on them, make sure to use a dry cloth and dust out the ground first. Remember to tidy off the roof fan. You may need to utilize a light chemical like Murphy’s Oil Soap. Eliminate any light apparatuses and delicately wash and dry them before supplanting them.
- Clean your dishwasher
You should completely clean your dishwasher so that you can wipe out any water or grime.
- Clean kitchen walls
Residue the roof and corners of dividers; you will require a residue mop to arrive at the high spots. Decide whether the walls should be washed in messy places. Spot clean and remember air vents, door handles, entryways, and switch plates. You might not have seen that the hand blender or blender sloshed goop everywhere on the divider; clean the oil, grime, and spilled food from your walls.
Seasonal kitchen cleaning checklist

- Organize cooking tools
Sometimes you might need new tools or have to throw old utensils in the process. That’s why we recommend adding this to your seasonal kitchen cleaning checklist. If you have too many pots or dishes, it will take up most kitchen spaces. Re-organize and add slackens to your kitchen for fast work.
- Check inventory
Your kitchen items have to be on track. Sometimes stored products get expired or damaged to weather or insects. You need to put inventory checking on your kitchen cleaning checklist not to miss out and save money. Always clean the storage utensils and room of your food inventory, and don’t forget to sanitize and wear a mask while cleaning the room.
- Repair
Check out everything in your kitchen; besides cleaning, you need to make sure that anything needs repair or replacement. If you don’t, this might lead to significant damage in the future. In case you see a utensil can not be repaired just through and add on your budget to buy a new one. If any cabinets need cleaning, do so, replace the gas tank, and check for any kind of leak. Your stove needs proper care, or germs will attack your food.
Kitchen Deep Cleaning Checklist
Once in a while, your kitchen also needs an in-depth cleaning checklist. This rundown encourages you to keep your kitchen clean perpetually and never lets you miss anything. You simply need to make a tweaked kitchen cleaning agenda of yours. A clean kitchen is a perfect house as the kitchen is the core of the house. Additionally, amid this pandemic, you don’t need your fundamental wellspring of vitality, aka food, to be set up in a filthy kitchen or utilizing germed utensils. To make this simple for you, we pour a few insights concerning the kitchen cleaning agenda beneath.
How to Deep Clean the Kitchen?
Start with your dishwasher. Eliminate the channel of your dishwasher. And absorbs it warm, lathery water. Give it a snappy clean with a toothbrush to eliminate any buildup at that point, supplant it in the dishwasher. To eliminate limescale, put a cup brimming with white vinegar in your generally empty dishwasher, and run a full spotless cycle. Coat the base of the dishwasher equitably with bicarbonate of pop. Move to your oven, leave the bicarbonate of pop for the time being, and afterward run a full spotless cycle in the first part of the day. In a bowl, blend bicarbonate of pop in with water to make a paste. Coat within your stove with the glue and leave for the time being.
What Do I Need to Deep Clean My Home?
- Dish soap(liquid and powder)
- Clean brushes & toothbrush
- White vinegar
- Hand gloves & facemask
- Microfiber cloths & mop
- Multipurpose cleaner & sponge
- Rubbing alcohol
- Glass cleaner
- Wood cleaner/conditioner
Countertop dos and don’ts
Countertops are part of the kitchen and home; the more beautiful it is, the harder it to take care of. So we got your back by explaining how to clean countertops if it’s wood or marble. Clean the wood ledge day by day with a non-grating cleaner or a handcrafted blend of warm water with a sprinkle of undiluted white vinegar. Delicately scratch off any food buildup with a spatula or a metal baked fair scrubber. To eliminate stains, slice a lemon down the middle and sprinkle salt legitimately onto the color. Utilize a lemon half to focus on the salt.
Clear off the salt and lemon juice with water and vinegar. Rock ledge retinas like utilizing a blend of warm water and gentle dish cleanser for regular cleaning, catching up with a microfiber towel to try to please the stone. For stains on rock or marble ledges, clean with a glue of heating pop and water or hydrogen peroxide. Apply the glue to the paint, spread with cling wrap, and tape down the edges. Let sit for a couple of days, and afterward, flush off the glue.
How to Remove Stains From Plastic Laminate Countertops?
Simply utilize a spotless cotton material with water and a mellow, non-synthetic fluid cleanser to wipe it down.
Importance of a kitchen cleaning checklist
Why do you need a list? As you build up your kitchen cleaning agenda, focus on your daily practice with a printed rendition. The visual presence of a kitchen obligations agenda is a decent update; the ad feels like an achievement. Recall that this cleaning plan isn’t unchangeable, in any case. Continuously tackle spills and wrecks as they occur and be careful. Spilled milk that sprinkles over the counter and onto the floor, for instance, additionally will, in general, discover its way into odd spots. Open drawers and cupboards to evaluate the degree of the mess.
To make ticking off your kitchen cleaning agenda simpler, keep a splash container of your preferred custom-made cleaner or universally handy cleaner convenient for quick and proficient cleanup. Lemons, preparing pop, undiluted white vinegar, and even vodka is also DIY cleaning substitutes. Similarly, save a brush and dustpan in the kitchen for clearing after dinners and preparing meetings. Knowing your kitchen materials will likewise enable the cycle to run smoothly. What is appropriate for cover ledges may decimate rock or quartz. With material-fitting cleaners, your kitchen surfaces will remain shimmering. Add it to your kitchen cleaning checklist.
Make it a propensity to keep steady over the mess, which can be a foil to your kitchen cleaning routine objectives. Start returning things that don’t have a place in the kitchen to their legitimate homes. Do a customary cleanse of your storeroom, more relaxed, and fridge substance. Don’t hesitate to delegate, or partition and overcome, and put forth cleaning a communitarian attempt by allocating errands to relatives. You need to stay as clean as possible during this pandemic, and that starts with cleaning your kitchen. To do so, you need a kitchen cleaning checklist.
Why is it Necessary to Keep the Restaurant Kitchen Clean?
To know details check out this article The Importance of Cleanliness in a Restaurant.
How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Kitchen?
You should deep clean your kitchen at least two times and at a maximum of four times a year.
How to Clean Oven Door Glass?
The oven glass needs proper cleaning from inside, outside. How to Clean a Glass Oven Door has some in-depth instruction.
What is iAuditor, and how can it help with my Kitchen Cleaning Checklist?
The official website says iAuditor is to conduct inspections & audits, to resolve issues and improve efficiency. iAuditor provides a separate checklist for kitchen cleaning, so you don’t need to write and do your cleaning as planned manually.
How to Wash Clothes by Hand?
Peruse the piece of clothing mark for explicit item suggestions. At that point, pick the right cleanser. On the off chance that no consideration mark exists, pick a mellow cleaner or dishwashing fluid. Fill a little tub or sink with water at the temperature suggested on the consideration mark. On the off chance that no consideration name exists, pick cool to tepid water. Include about a teaspoon of cleanser.
You may require more cleansers if you are hand-washing an enormous thing or various things. Lower the piece of clothing in the foamy water and drench. Utilize delicate developments to wash the item through the frothy water. Abstain from scouring or contorting activities that can stretch or harm the texture. Delicately pass the article of clothing through the foamy water until the thing is spotless.
Cleaning is not only crucial for the kitchen but also your house. But as the kitchen is the center of your home, it needs special attention. Following a kitchen cleaning checklist will make sure you do your work correctly. Besides cleaning, always make sure about your safety. Wear a mask while dust cleaning, don’t use alcohol products near the stoves, and make sure to use antibacterial products to clean utensils and the kitchen floor. A clean kitchen also means a healthy home.
Feature Image Source: Evanto